Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm out of the closet.

My dirty little secret has been revealed. Rhonda knows about my blog.

It wasn't a secret perse, but she didn't know about it. Now she does. She was surprised.

That is all.


  1. Now how did that come up in normal conversation?

    Weasell: Hey honey guess what?

    Long suffering wife: What is it now dear?

    Weasell: I have a blog.

    Even longer suffering wife: That's nice dear.

    (Glad to see you blogging again.)

  2. It wasn't a conversation.

    She caught me blogging.

    She heard noises coming out of the closet. When she opened the door, she found me with a laptop.

    Well okay, that isn't exactly how it happened. But she did find be blogging. Then she asked to read it - from top to bottom. She then started her own account so she could post responses to some of my older posts. She's now my 5th follower.

    My army of minions is growing! Muahahahaahaha!!

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